24/7 Phoenix Snake Removal Hotline


24/7 Tucson Snake Removal Hotline


Snake Fencing


Arizona snake removal activity log

Phoenix 24/7 Hotline:


Tucson 24/7 Hotline:


Show activity for the zipcode:

Date/Time City Zip Species Notes
9:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
9:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
7:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 None
8:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
4:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
9:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
7:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
1:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Coachwhip
1:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Needs a rattlesnake fence.
11:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Rattlesnake found in garage full of storage items, probably active because of higher humidity. Searched for 30 minutes and found it a short distance away in the direction of travel at last sighting.
4:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Found after moderate rain next to water tanks it had likely been staying under for the winter.
11:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 None Customer`s son failed to put his ball python back in its cage. The 3 foot or so python had five hours to move throughout the house before it was found to be missing. A near 90 minute search failed to turn it up. Mom was not happy!
5:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 22" 3b Western Diamondback rattlesnake took refuge in some evergreen shrubs in customer`s front yard. Not a candidate for fencing.
6:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Customer had seen a snake on the window sill on the inside of her Arizona room. After being scared, she said the snake rattled and crawled back down a chair to the floor, but did not leave the room. A thorough search failed to turn up the estimated two foot snake. I volunteered to move some stuff out of the room, so that I could move stuff out of the way within the room. After checking and moving every item, I was about to admit defeat when the 35" 8c Western Diamondback suddenly appeared. Must have been hiding beneath an old wooden chest, which was the last item to be moved. Initially didn`t see him, but heard something rustling some plastic. Customer was very happy.
1:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 None Customer wanted me to look through backyard area because there dog had been envenomated by presumably a rattlesnake in the face. I searched all areas of yard and where incident occurred to find nothing. There were many deep holes in many areas of yard with high rodent activity. They were given advice to have pest control assist them. Also gave advice to have bushes trimmed up. Which they said they understood. It was also instructed to keep garage and doors closed at all times while not in use. End of report.
8:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 None Positive ID from a picture taken by the daughter of an adult Western Diamondback. Snake was on front porch and the daughter observed it through a window, but inexplicably started shining a light at the snake. The snake slowly crawled away and was not watched after that. Working with only a direction the snake went, and given the number of possible hiding places, it was not found.
12:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Desert Nightsnake Customer called about unknown snake. Customer sent picture but was impossible to determine species. I arrived at the place of work and was directed to area of snake. I immediately identified it as a nightsnake. Snake was removed and relocated. .
2:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 None Customer called about pool employees finding rattlesnake on Friday. She wanted inspection to check for active snake near pool area and also look around surrounding area for safety of her yard workers. I told her it was unlikely the snake was still there but she was too scared to look. I didn’t find any snakes. But I did find 3 different snake skins. 1 diamondback, 1 coachwhip and 1 that was to beat up to tell. I did find active rodents in backyard. She was going to have pest control come. End of report.
9:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 None Customer called about rattlesnake in backyard. I instructed customer to have babysitter watch snake from safe distance. When I arrived snake had disappeared. Turns out babysitter did not watch snake for the 18 minutes it took me to get there. I searched entire backyard and outside of wall to search. No success. End of report
1:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Customer called about rattlesnake under garbage bin. When I arrived snake remained under. I immediately captured the snake and gave it some water due to high temps. End of report.
7:30 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Customer called about rattlesnake found in backyard. On phone customer explained that snake was sitting coiled near pool equipment. When I arrived the snake was gone and hadn’t been seen since our phone call. I saw a suspicious hole that looked deep enough for a snake to hide. I utilized the customers garden hose and was able to successfully coax the snake out. When the snake was in the open I was able to capture the snake sing my tongs. Snake was released afterwards. End of report.
8:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 None Customer found baby rattlesnake a couple days ago and that sparked his interest in wanting a property inspection. Inspection was done throughly with no finds except for a large gophersnake shed under hole in concrete slab below an air conditioner. I searched and flooded different large pack rat nests. No success. I searched under all plants I could not see under including oleander and lantana bushes. The customer was told to keep those bushes trimmed so they would not be overgrown. The customer was educated about pack rats and there homes being utilized by rattlesnakes. He was also told to inspect drip systems that were not working properly. He enjoyed the inspection very much and said he learned a lot from it. He used ya because of our professional look from our website. End of report.
11:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 29" 5b Western Diamondback coiled in ambush just on the opposite side of privacy fence. Customer was concerned because he has seen non-venomous snakes in his yard. Customer waited patiently as the snake consumed a mouse. Another easy fencing job as there is one huge gate to fix. Fencing exists on the drainage holes, but it will need to be replaced with the proper fencing and gauge.
10:30 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Customer called about large rattlesnake found found in backyard that was stuck in wire chicken wire. When I arrived snake was still very stuck. I used my tongs to hold the snakes head area with gentle force. I used a set of wire cutters to cut snake free. The rattlesnake became very agitated when I had to cut the portion that were wrapped deep into its skin. I was fortunately able to free it without incident. Once the snake was freed I placed it in my bucket and was released shortly after. End of report.
7:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Customer called about rattlesnake that went into garden area. When I arrived the customer had list visual of the animal. He said he saw it go into a large garden area. I searched until I found it under a branch hidden very well. I captured the snake immediately. Snake was released shortly after. End of report.
6:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 None Dog was bitten earlier today, but the snake was never seen. Will go back out Saturday afternoon to search again as the snake will be killed if found by the homeowner.
10:30 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 None Customer called about seeing small, slender, dark snake in home at between 1-2 in the morning. He wanted the house checked to see if it was still there. I searched all rooms of home and also looking for any small breaches the snake may have come through. I was unable to find the snake and don’t find any breaches that stood out. The customers appreciated all the info provided and the homeowner only really wanted the inspection due to his wives hysteria. End of report.
10:30 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Desert Kingsnake Customer called about rattlesnake found in water box. When I arrived I was directed to the water box that the snake was seen in. When I slowly opened the lid I saw a very small kingsnake sitting in the corner. I asked the customer if he still wanted the snake removed after I explained that they are harmless. He wanted it out of his property. Snake was released shortly after. End of report.
4:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 28" 7c Western Diamondback coiled under a ground cloth in the garage.
11:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake An absolute beast of a Diamondback. Close to 54" 10b (USS). Customer had seen this snake a few weeks ago and scooted it into the desert with a shovel, but decided to call us when it showed up again. Its likely hibernaculum was a burrow under a very large rock, that was filled in during those warm days in mid February. The girth and weight of this snake was impressive. Customer is a snow-bird from MN, and may pursue fencing upon their return this fall.
10:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Customer called about a rattlesnake that he heard in his garage. He had a different company over last night in search of it. The other guy had no luck finding it and referred him to us. He said “this is what there good at.” After about 10 minutes in garage I checked underneath a plastic shelving area. I could see in the corner towards the wall a coiled up western diamondback. I used my hook to gain control and slowly drag the coiled snake out. I then used my tongs to have maximum control of the snake and placed it in my bucket. The customer was thrilled we were able to find it without an issue. The snake was released immediately after. End of report.
10:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Customer called about wanting inspection done due to seeing snakes around property. While doing inspection a western diamondback was found directly outside of a ground squirrel hole. I captured it immediately and continued to search. No other snakes were found. I did recommend they use pest control to help assist with the large amount of pack rats they had on property. I also recommended they trim large plants to help reduce shade source. They are interested in Rattlesnake fencing at some point, but currently in the process of expanding there fence. They said they would keep in contact once there fence is complete. End of report.
7:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Customer called about rattlesnake found coiled below her rattlesnake fence. i responded immediately and found snake in same spot as seen. It was an easy capture. This customer had been quoted for a rattlesnake fence from us already and did not seem to want it. her mind changed and i re submitted proposal. End of repot.
7:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 36" Western Diamondback chilling in the back.
5:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake 25" Western Diamondback in a desert tortoise burrow. 3 gates and numerous expansion joints and drainage holes, but some are already proofed with hard wire. Customer wants both the courtyard and backyard secured.
10:30 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake An extensive fencing project with no less than 7 or 8 gates. On site estimate is a must.
2:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Large Western Diamondback under pool pump.
11:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Neonate Western Diamondback coiled by a small tree.
7:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Small adult male Western Diamondback in backyard.
12:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Adult Western Diamondback coiled by the AC unit.A pretty easy fencing job as there are two gates, a couple of expansion joints, and a couple of drainage holes.
8:30 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Large Rattlesnake under a bush in the back yard.
6:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Neonate Western Diamondback
12:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Mating pair of Western Diamondbacks.
7:00 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Customers called about a rattlesnake found in the back yard near a trash bag. While en route they did an excellent job watching the snake. The snake remained in the same area upon my arrival. Once I saw the snake I gently used my tongs and placed it into my bucket. I looked around the yard the best I could with no further finds. I gave them my business card and talked about rattlesnake fencing with them. They seemed interested and will more than likely give me a call to schedule an estimate. End of report.
3:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Large adult Western Diamondback under a shed.
10:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 None 3 Rattlesnakes seen this morning by a contractor. Didn't find the Rattlesnakes, but did find a Gila and a king. A fencing job that Derek will need to see in person.
5:30 PM
Tanque Verde 85749 Sonoran Gophersnake In the built in grill.
8:00 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Helping out a neighbor who doesn't speak English and has several snakes. Mating pair under a lawn mower deck.
9:30 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Mating pair near the courtyard.
10:30 AM
Tanque Verde 85749 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Mating pair in the backyard.
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